02.16.2025 Matthew 20v1-16 Upside Down Kingdom Pt. 3

02.09.2025 Luke 4v14-30 Upside Down Kingdom Pt. 2

02.02.2025 Luke 4v14-30 Upside Down Kingdom

01.26.2025 Luke 22v54-62 Tears of the Ordinary

01.19.2025 John 1v1-18 Holding Together

01.12.2025 John 1v1-18 Crossing Paths

01.05.2025 John 1v1-18 There Is No Deeper

12.29.2024 John 1v1-18 Downward Light

12.22.2024 Isaiah 9v1-7 The Space Between

12.15.2024 Isaiah 2v1-5 The Scope of Longing

12.08.2024 1 Corinthians 13 The Shape of Waiting

12.01.2024 Isaiah 65v17-25 Adventus

11.24.2024 Psalm 117 It is Fitting

11.17.2024 Psalm 19 Letting Light In

11.10.2024 Proverbs 8v1-11 A Sophiac Lens

11.03.2024 Jeremiah 10v1-7 You Are What You Love

10.27.2024 Isaiah 6v1-8 The Prophetic Fool

10.20.2024 2 Samuel 7v1-17 Appreciating the Waves

10.13.2024 2 Samuel 7v1-17 The House That Who Built?

10.06.2024 Exodus 20v1-21 Thousands of Nudges

09.22.2024 Exodus 5v1-5 Freeeeeeedooooooooooooooom!! Pt. 2

09.15.2024 Exodus 5v1-5 Freeeeeeedooooooooooooooom!!

09.01.2024 Exodus 3v1-15 Tempered Hammer

08.25.2025 Genesis 22v1-19 Adonai Yireh

08.18.2024 Genesis 15v1-18 Whatever It Takes

08.04.2024 Genesis 12v1-9 Faith That Went

07.28.2024 Genesis 12v1-9 The Unspiraling

07.21.2024 Genesis 11v1-9 God As My Witness

07.14.2024 Genesis 11v1-9 My Name Is

06.30.2024 Genesis 6v5-8 The Unpredictable Flower

06.09.2024 Genesis 1v26-31 The Witness Of Going On

06.02.2024 Genesis 3v8-21 The Good, The Bad, But Not Equal

05.26.2024 Romans 3v9-20 Temptations of Eeyore and Tigger

05.19.2024 Romans 3 Not Even One, Except One

05.12.2024 Romans 3v21-31 We the Fallen People

05.05.2024 Genesis 3v1-13 One Size Fits All

04.28.2024 Genesis 1v26-31 Sibling Care

04.21.2024 Genesis 1v26-31 What On Earth Are We? Pt. 2

04.14.2024 Genesis 1v26-31 What On Earth Are We?

04.07.2024 Genesis 2v1-3 Res(is)t

03.31.2024 Mark 16v1-8 Simply Believed

03.24.2024 Mark 15v16-32 The Road No One Else Travels

03.17.2024 Mark 14v32-42 Garden Lessons

03.10.2024 Matthew 17v1-8 Catching Glimpses

03.03.2024 Matthew 16v13-28 Time to Go South

02.25.2024 Matthew 12v1-14 A Galilee Spirituality

02.18.2024 Matthew 4v1-11 The Silence of Dust

02.11.2024 *Due to technical gremlins this sermon went unrecorded*

02.04.2024 Mark 1v29-39 Proclaiming the Kingdom by Chuck Adams

01.28.2024 Acts 17v16-28 It Never Had To Be

01.21.2024 1 John 4v7-21 What's Love Got To Do With It?

01.14.2024 John 6v25-59 The One and the Few

01.07.2024 John 1v1-5 All Things